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Different types of Seams

What is Seam?

A seam is a joint consisting of a sequence of stitches uniting two or more pieces of material(s) and is used for assembling parts in the production of sewn items.

Different types of Seam Classes

As per Federal Government Standard 751a there is total 6 classes. They are:
Four Seam Classes-
  1. ·         Superimposed Seam
  2. ·         Lapped Seam
  3. ·         Bound Seam
  4. ·         Flat Seam

Two Stitching Classes-
  1. ·        Edge Finishing
  2. ·       Ornamental Stitching

Superimposed Seam
The superimposed seam (SS) class is formed by joining two or more pieces of fabric, usually with seam allowance edges even and one piece superimposed over the second.

Lapped seam
The lapped seam (LS) class is defined as two or more pieces of fabric joined by overlapping at the needle.

Bound seam
The bound seam (BS) Class requires a separate piece of fabric that encompasses the edge of one or more pieces of the garment.

Flat seam
The flat seam (FS) class is the smallest class. The formation of this seam occurs with the butting together of two pieces of fabric, but not overlapping them.

Edge finishing
Edge finishing (EF) is stitching that encompasses the cut edge or provides a finish for a single ply of fabric with a folded edge configuration.

Ornamental stitching
Ornamental stitching may be used on a single ply for decorative purposes. It can be done anywhere except the edge.